How To Put Code in Your Post

There is a difficulty in putting CSS code in post. This is an important thing for those who want to teach the visitors who are interested in web development. When you go to Create New Post> Type word <script>, it will be an error. So, don't worry, I will teach you how to hack this problem.

In a post, you cannot enter any code like this "<script>"etc. with the symbol of "<" or ">", right? In order to show the CSS code, what you need is,Simple code.

Simple code is the easiest process to put the CSS code into your post. Firstly, you must go to Simple code and copy your code you desire and paste into Enter Markup. Then click Process. The Simple code generate the code and then you copy the results. Lastly, you paste it into your Post.

Here's the result.

<script type='text/javascript'>

var txt="Your blog name and little description about your site here";

var espera=200;

var refresco=null;

function rotulo_title()



txt=txt.substring(1,txt.length)+txt.charAt(0); refresco=setTimeout("rotulo_title()",espera);




Therefore, you can show the code to your visitors.

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