Movie For Yesterday

Yesterday, I went to Gurney Plaza with my uncle. FYI, our main agenda is just to watched a movie, Star Trek. But, we done so many things later. We bought some cloths, ate in Big Apple (I ordered 1 Expresso Coffee, 1 Alien Donut and a free donut. Ok, back to our main point, before this, i really don't think this movie can give some good impact to me. Yah, i thought this movie such a boring and awkward. But then, when this movie start to begin its introduction, my eyes start blinking. What an incredible opening. With the Captain Kirk died because try to save his 800 crews, and you know what, he was a captain for just 12 minutes. But, he gave an excellent opening. So, my feeling about this movie (boring and so on), flew away. I started to focus about this movie. And you know what, from the opening until end of this movie, it's full with action and excellent special effect and sounds as well as their music score. Thanks to JJ Abrams ( director of MI:3 and Cloverfield) who have gave such a brand new idea but still promoting the original value of this movie. One more thing, don't forget to see the Old Captain Spock. Yeah kinda miss him for a long time. So guys, don't forget to watch this movie. For the rating, I gave 8/10. Yeah!!!

Items that I bought

Superman T-Shirt (Original) from Superhero Boutique in Gurney Plaza (new building)

Charbroiled Chicken Tortilla in BBQ Chicken
(these food is bad- french fries cold)

The Gurney Plaza Environment

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